Free Antenatal Breastfeeding Class
We’re here to help you prepare for baby.
Book below
This class is an introduction to breastfeeding; carefully designed to help you have a smoother start to your feeding journey.
Breastfeeding is natural of course, but it is a skill to be learned (by you and your baby). It’s common to experience challenges in the early weeks. There are also so many misconceptions about infant feeding behaviours in our society, which can make us doubt ourselves as new parents.
This course will cover:
Benefits of breastfeeding (some you may not know!)
Newborn feeding behaviours (and our expectations)
Responsive feeding (breast and bottle)
Positioning and attachment
Resolving common problems
Planning your support
The course will be online, and will last around 90 minutes.
This course is for you if you plan to breastfeed your baby - you may also find it useful if you have a newborn baby (4 weeks and under). It does not cover the practicalities of bottle or formula feeding. We never judge a parent's choice for how they feed they baby - but this is very much a breastfeeding class.
Due to supporting families, I cannot run this class as often as I’d like.
However, I can offer a free recording of a previous class. Please contact me to ask for the link.